The Big Lottery Fund has allocated £1 million to be spent on local projects in the South East part of Grove Park Ward between Chinbrook Meadows and the Bromley border. Whilst the funds will be held and provided by the 'Big Local' the planning and decision making will be the responsibility of local residents and community groups.
Grove Park Conservative Councillor Christine Allison says, "We have to make sure that there is truly local involvement in this new partnership so that we address local needs as well as ensuring that Lewisham Council do not use this money as a back door way of cutting Council spending on our area".
Over 40 people have come forward so far and local organisations such as Marvels Lane School, Friends of Chinbrook Meadows, Grove Park Community Group and L&Q have also been invited to make a contribution. There is an initial budget of £20,000 to develop ideas anf help get local people involved.
Any local residents or community groups that wish to contribute should contact Kim Donahue on 07792 852611 or at [email protected]