Conservatives in Lewisham have criticised the Labour-run council for not getting local taxpayers a good enough deal on garden waste collection after it was revealed that residents are paying the most in London for the service.
Local councils are allowed to charge for garden waste collection, although the Conservative government has launched a review on whether local authorities should provide the service for free.
The figures obtained by the BBC have shown that at £80 per year, Lewisham is London's most expensive borough for the service and fourth most expensive in the country. Neighbouring Greenwich Council offers the service free of charge, while Bexley Council charges households £36 a year and Bromley Council charges £60.
Conservative candidate for the London Assembly, Charlie Davis, criticised the council saying "Local people are getting a bad deal from the Labour-run Council on garden waste collection. Lewisham Council should review its options, such as merging services with a nearby borough to save costs, so local people can keep more of their hard earned money".